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Discover Gerhard Bruckmeiers Known Positions

Gerhard Bruckmeier: DirectorBoard Member at Oppmann Immobilien AG

Discover Gerhard Bruckmeier's Known Positions

WEB DirectorBoard Member at Oppmann Immobilien AG

Gerhard Bruckmeier holds the position of DirectorBoard Member at Oppmann Immobilien AG.

WEB Gerhard Bruckmeier neubiberg Vorstand Manfred Karl Feldkirchen 1 Oppmann ImmObIlIen aG WürzburG ISIn

Gerhard Bruckmeier is the Vorstand at Oppmann Immobilien AG, based in Würzburg, Germany.

WEB Der Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende Gerhard Bruckmeier begrüßte etwa 100 Aktionäre und teilte mit dass Gerd Amtstätter

Gerhard Bruckmeier, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, welcomed approximately 100 shareholders and announced that Gerd Amtstätter...

WEB Gerhard Bruckmeier is on the board of Von Roll Holding AG and 4 other companies

Gerhard Bruckmeier serves on the board of Von Roll Holding AG and four other companies.

WEB Find out more about Gerhard Bruckmeiers international operational and industry experience

Explore Gerhard Bruckmeier's extensive international operational and industry experience.

Conclusion: Gerhard Bruckmeier's diverse roles and responsibilities have provided him with a wealth of experience in the real estate and finance sectors. His expertise and leadership have played a vital role in the success of the companies he has served, making him a valuable asset to Oppmann Immobilien AG and the industry as a whole.
